Nº250 (2/2011)

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Merci à ceux, nombreux, qui m'ont envoyé leurs vœux, assortis d'encouragements pour le mag et parfois de documents, toujours précieux pour moi. Ce numéro est le 250e: un bel anniversaire dont le CEO peut être fier. Merci à tous ceux qui, au fil des années, ont contribué à ce beau monument! En 1999, lorsque je suis arrivé au secours du n°111, j'étais loin de penser être encore rédac'chef pour le n°250. Merci à François pour l'image de couverture. Dommage que dans la réalité, il n'y ait pas de secrétaire!

Super-Oric: Routinothèque (3): Double Hauteur (1) Jeu de cartes: Le 99! Un jeu fabuleux: Stormlord! Ecran LCD pour nos Oric? Vu sur le web: Space 1999!


Adresses CEO / Sommaire / Editorial   Page 2
Courrier Oricien   Page 3-5
Petites Annonces & Bonnes Adresses   Page 5
Listings Basic : Simon & Snap   Page 6
Vu sur eBay : Un Telestrat Complet !   Page 7
Rush Hour Supplément n°8 (2/3)   Page 8-9
Nostalgie : Le Micro Ordinateur Oric 1   Page 10-11
Divertissements Mathématiques et Logiques   Page 12
Le Coin Sudoku Oric : Les Grilles 7 à 12 de Décembre   Page 13
Vu sur le Web : Space 1999   Page 14
Listing Basic : Ekibri   Page 15-17
Journal du Soft : Stormlord   Page 18-21
Atelier : Ecrans LCD pour nos Oric ? (2)   Page 22-23
Divertissements : L'Homme Amoureux   Page 22
Anecdote : Pigeon vole... plus vite qu'un Téléchargement   Page 23
Jeu de Cartes : Le 99 (2/2)   Page 24-25
Routinothèque Super-Oric (3) : Double Hauteur (1)   Page 26-30
Dino : Dictons, Devinettes, Blagues, Conseils   Page 5, 8, 9, 23, 30

Interview de Twilighte
par Simon

When did you start working on Stormlord? It seems it was made in a very short time.
From my own records work started in or around 2001. I have here a disk directory with Stormlord resources including a very early demo. Back then it was based on a simple coloured graphics (with colour clash) and huge sprites (see original demo screen and original blocks attached).
However as time passed I began to realise with such huge sprites and graphics it would require much more memory than I had. I was also put off by the simple Spectrum graphics.
It’s only until I suddenly realised the graphic potential of the technique used in Pulsoids that it could lend itself to almost every other game including Stormlord.

Why did you choose Stormlord?
I tend to either choose an original title or a game that I loved from the 80’s from a different machine. To me the C64 was the ultimate machine, having beautiful graphics, etc. I used to play Stormlord with a friend alot way back when. This was the same for other games like Myth and Impossible Mission. To prove to the world that the Oric is just as competent of running these sorts of games was a dream of mine.

How do you plan your work on such a conversion?
It’s a difficult process, most of the time it is to get some code laid down and running which then inspires me to get some more done. Then I move on to thinking «wouldn’t that be cool?» or «what’s missing?». But it all boils down to pushing yourself into making this project the only project to work on, and that’s when things get tough. So many great ideas for other games that have to be curtailed because I’m working on this game.

Did you enjoy the work on this game, how do you manage to keep motivation to produce so many excellent games?
When you write any game you should be inspired enough to try to produce the best for the machine. It also helps when there are critics like Dbug and Chema who often point out things you hadn’t noticed, hoped wouldn’t be noticed or ideas that you just hadn’t thought about.

What was the hardest part in the conversion?
As always getting it finished. A demo is only a very small part of getting a game done. It usually involved lots of hacking whereas a finished game must be flexible.

Noticed several funny comments in the TAP file - is there any cheat code or Easter egg in the game?

How is the feedback you got from the game - in quantity, quality, including from non-Oricians?
Feedback has been good especially with UK’s Retrogamer giving it a full review. However it was a shame the reviewer obviously hadn’t seen any other Oric games.

Do you want to tell us a few words about your next project?
Only that its a two player smooth scrolling full colour vertical shoot-em-up. It uses a scrolling technique that both myself and Dbug developed producing flicker free full colour graphics.
The game is split into Chapters. The first Chapter (the one I’m currently working on) has you in control of a truck not unlike Spyhunter. The next chapter will have you flying around defending an airship.
And many more chapters after.

The story to the game is complete.


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